The Catechumen’s Song
The Catechumen’s Song
A still gentle voice
rills upon the waves
Laughs in the gulls and
sparkles in the sand
A longing deep and still
beyond believing
Within hope
a throb of love
Late have I loved thee
beauty ever ancient ever new
Let me die in your arms
and rise up anew
Where are those to take
me to you?
How a path upon the stars
your love does trace
Where is this beauty
in the path?
What turn forsakes
all else?
Sweeping low the
the salt breeze calls
My name, my name
across the dunes
Balanced against all else
the stones of life
For a season in a day
guard the path of ocean sway
Across the waves
our hulls delight
Spinnaker buckle and roil
a tack and yaw
Roll and deep
a crash and rise
At harbor’s sunset
across the bar
Day’s lagoon at tide resets
sways the dock
A fire in the mountain
challenges purple
The path a million lighted wings
sweet sage upon the mountain breath
Dawn’s sparkle bubbles
the font of agate
Upon the forest fence
descends the Dove
Beneath the flood
a rush of three
Strong arms my breath
does save anew a light
From the tomb a laugh
as butterfly does dash
Hold the colors of that flame
anointing soothes
A priest a prophet does proclaim
the Spirit of Love comes upon me
A table a gentle fare
so dearly won
The bread the wine
in faith eyes so much more
Risen, one Body
one host divine
Comes at table
in our hearts to recline
Where tells the mystery sweet
upon my ears to dance
Where finds my mind
my heart
Away from lover’s trance
to delight
In my Love’s laughter
steal away, steal away
No more I dwell alone
my loneliness meets its end
Among the lilies
I lay down my head
At one in peace
one Heart
In the one Lord
one Heart
A chance upon the breeze
swings on gossamer wings
A sweet entrance with
nectar a rainbow’s trance
Who calls in sunset’s
green flood
Whose footsteps
bid your path
Come hear the music
and the dance
Come play, steal away
and dance
Leave all else
lose yourself
Upon the even tide
on the shore He sets His Fire