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Posted by on Dec 1, 2024

A Time for Hope and Preparation

A Time for Hope and Preparation

A new year begins again. This one doesn’t follow our typical calendar of 356 days. This one is set to begin on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. The season celebrated during this brief time is known as Advent – a word meaning “arrival.”

The First Sunday of Advent looks forward with hope to the coming of Christ. This year, we also enter into the final weeks of preparation for the Jubilee year which will begin with the opening of a special door of St. Peter’s Basilica, the Holy Door, in Rome on December 24. This door is sealed at all times outside of Jubilees.

The them of this Jubilee is “Pilgrims of Hope.” The readings for this day support the theme of hope on the way.

The Prophet Jeremiah lived in the times just before and during the Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple. He attributed the military defeat by the armies of Babylon to unfaithfulness to the Covenant, particularly on the part of the ruling royal family. He predicted the conquest and lived to see it happen. Yet he never stopped sharing the messages of hope he received from the Lord. He spoke the warnings and the frightening messages, but he also spoke the hopeful ones.

“The days are coming…” “I will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel and Judah…” “I will raise up for David a just shoot…”  “Judah shall be safe…” Jerusalem will be called “The Lord our justice.”

Terrible things may happen. Nations will be conquered. Peoples will be displaced. But the Lord is still present. The Lord will take care of the people of the Covenant. A new leader will come, raised up by the Lord and doing “what is right and just in the land.” It is a time for hope in the Lord’s word. (Jer 33:14-16)

As a child and man of the Covenant, Jesus was immersed in these traditions of national independence and prosperity, transitions in which the nation moved away from the Covenant’s guidance, and resulting ultimate conquest by another nation.  Each time the cycle played out, eventually the Lord was seen to intervene and bring the nation back to prosperity and safety.

As his life neared its end, Jesus spoke of what would happen at some time after his death. He was not naïve about the risks he was taking by being in Jerusalem and preaching the message he had come to deliver. He knew it would not likely end well for him. He spoke prophetically about what would happen at the end of time, when the Son of Man returned to Earth in triumph. The description of the “signs in the sun, the moon, and stars, and on earth” sound like things many of us have seen in our lifetimes, but the sense of the words is that they will happen on a much larger scale. “People will die of fright in anticipation of what is coming upon the world…”

Yet Jesus does not tell his followers to be afraid when fearsome things begin to happen. They/We must not allow ourselves to be pulled into fear or anxiety or indifference to what is happening in the world around us. Jesus says, “Stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand.” The changes coming will be challenging. There will be hard things that must be faced and addressed. But “Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations… and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Lk 3:12-42)

As the followers of Jesus went out into the world to share the word of what they had seen and experienced, communities grew in many cities. St. Paul and others wrote to the people in these cities, encouraging them in their faith, continuing to teach them and deal with the problems that arise in human communities. He wrote to the Thessalonians to encourage them to strengthen their hearts in preparation for meeting God. He and other early Christians expected Jesus’ return to be very soon after the Resurrection. That proved not to be the case, but the advice remains firm for us today as well. We are all to behave in ways pleasing to God and follow the instructions we have received, with the help of the Lord Jesus. (1 Thes 3:12-4:2)

As we move through these next few weeks toward Christmas and toward the official beginning of the Jubilee Year, we are called to continue our faithful following of the Lord’s teaching on justice and loving service.

This is a time of transition in the United States. Transitions are happening in other nations as well. The requirement to live in love, service, and justice for all does not end. It is not based on who wins elections. It is not negotiable.

We must continue to help those in need. We must continue to support those who come to our nation from afar, seeking opportunities and safety from violence and persecution. We must offer a smile and friendship to those among us whose bodies don’t necessarily outwardly meet our expectations of who they are. We must protect children and families, giving help and support so they can have the chance to get through hard times and back on their feet. We must care for the sick and those who are unable to care for themselves any longer. We must reach out to support others around the world who are living in difficult conditions and need a helping hand. We are called to live the Beatitudes and be Pilgrims of Hope on the journey through life.

We are all in this life together. We have different gifts, different opportunities, different wounds and challenges, but we are all in this together. We must help each other, not get in the way of and push aside those who are different than we are.

Pilgrims of Hope. Are we ready for Christmas? Probably not yet. Are we ready for the Jubilee? Maybe not yet. Are we excitedly preparing? I sure hope so. It’s a special blessing to live in this time. Jubilees don’t happen often. Let’s take advantage of this one to live and work in hope.

Readings for the First Sunday of Advent – Cycle C


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Posted by on Nov 16, 2024

Missed the Rapture Again?

Missed the Rapture Again?

We have a joke in the family that gets repeated once in a while. Living in a tourist destination community, we are used to seeing busy highways and local roads at certain times on weekends and during holidays. But every so often, when we would usually expect the highways to be full, they aren’t. On those days, returning home, one or another of us will note, “Well, we missed the Rapture again!”

Our liturgical year is drawing to a close. We have celebrated Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and all the days in-between. We have heard God’s word proclaimed in Scripture, through worship, and in our daily lives for another year. We hope that we have grown a bit in wisdom and grace as we have in age.

Now, here we are again, at the last two weeks of the year. The readings speak of final days and describe cosmic disasters that bring an end to all and usher in the final coming of the Son of Man.

If we look at these readings literally, and look at the state of the world today, it can be terribly distressing. Is the world really coming to an end? Are we among those left behind to suffer for our evil behavior? Is there any hope? Did we miss the Rapture?

Objectively speaking, things are something of a mess out there in the world. For that matter, sometimes at home they’re a mess too. We’ve come through a world-wide pandemic, with economic and social upheavals as a result of it. We see wars raging in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. War has been threatened in Asia as well. One long one in Afghanistan ended, but there are other areas of conflict that have not risen beyond the level of “trade wars” yet. Families are under stress. Inflation has been high, because of many pandemic and trade war-related issues. Unemployment has come down dramatically, but it was high for a while when businesses had to close or cut back due to the pandemic and associated supply-chain problems. Food costs have risen. Housing is in short supply. And so on and on.

On the physical front, we are having to deal with droughts, wildfires, floods, earthquakes, and all the natural “disasters” that occur when humans and the forces of nature meet in dramatic ways. How many hurricanes or cyclones or typhoons should any area have to endure? Why so many tornados? Will the rains come so the fires stop? Why so much rain at a time? Can’t we have just a bit and when we need it rather than all at once?

People are divided over how best to deal with the economy, with the wars that are raging, changes in what we expect of our environment, emerging understandings of gender, the role of women and others who have traditionally been kept at lower status than the leadership of our communities and of industry, to mention just a few issues. Elections around the world are reflecting the divisions among us over how to move forward. Lots of fear and angst are expressed in these votes.

When the victors emerge, again, there is dismay among one group and rejoicing by others. Yet we are all still in this together. None of us got out in a Rapture of any sort. None were swept up to Heaven for protection while God deals with the messiness of the lives of the rest of us. We all missed the Rapture!

The readings from Daniel speak of the distress that can arise in life. The book of Daniel was written during a period of conquest and persecution under King Antiochus IV, a Selucid King ruling from 167-164 BCE. They offer hope that an end will come to the trials of the age and that peace will come. There is a mention of the dead rising again to life and of others remaining dead. (These conversations continued into the time of Jesus and his followers. We even hear them today!)

Nevertheless, the reading ends on a note of promise. “The wise shall shine brightly like the splendor of the firmament, and those who lead the many to justice shall be like the stars forever.” (Dn 12:1-3)

Things can get very bad, very frightening, very distressing, but hope is not lost. Wisdom will continue to shine forth and people will emerge who will continue to work for justice and peace.

So, who is this Son of Man person? “Son of Man” as used in the readings today is the title given to an apocalyptic figure who comes to the rescue. The individual is human, but gifted with special powers to accomplish God’s work and then be raised to Heaven. Daniel speaks of the Son of Man as the one who will come to make all right again. In the midst of great turmoil and destruction, the Son of Man will come with power and glory. Those found worthy and faithful will be rescued before all ends.

Jesus tells his followers that no one knows when the end of the world will come, when the present age will end, but a time will come when all is concluded. Worlds end. Do they always end physically? No. But we are to be alert to see the signs of change, of transition, in our day. (Mk 13:24-32)

Where do we see these signs? That is the big question. Where do we see the love of God shining into our lives and our world. When God comes, it will not be as a punishing, vindictive bully who is out to get revenge on all who have done him wrong! God is Love. Love doesn’t behave that way.

So where do we see the signs of the coming of the Son of Man? Where do we see the Lord in our lives?

We see the Lord in those who reach out to others, including those with whom they disagree. We see the Lord in those who work to protect others who are being persecuted because of who they are and how God made them. We see the Lord in those who seek to assure that children and their families can get enough to eat and still have a place to live. We see the Lord in those who care for the sick. We see the Lord in those who work to protect prisoners from abuse. We see the Lord in those who step up to serve in leadership roles that allow them to enact laws protecting rather than exploiting the weak and powerless.

We see the Lord in the work of those who are willing to give of their time, talent, treasure, and lives to serve others and make a better world for all. Jesus gave us a set of guidelines in the Beatitudes. He told us where to find him in the story of the Last Judgement. He willingly faced torture and death, put his very life on the line, in the process of reconciling humanity with our Father, the creator of all.

We missed the Rapture, all of us. Now it’s time to learn from the fig tree, to see the signs around us, and to roll up our sleeves and get to work. It’s time to continue to work and build a world of love and support for our sisters and brothers, wherever they are from, and whoever they are. We’re in this together. The Kingdom is coming to birth among us. Let’s get going!

Readings for the Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle B


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Posted by on Nov 13, 2024

Widows, Children, and the Kingdom

Widows, Children, and the Kingdom

The doorbell rang at about 11:30 one morning and when I answered, I was met by a middle-aged man who greeted me in friendly terms and introduced himself as a Jehovah’s Witness, visiting folks in my neighborhood. Would I like to spend a few minutes and talk about the Bible? First question after asking about whether I believe in God, “Do you ever think about or read the Bible?”

Now, for those who know me, that question has a pretty obvious answer. However, this man was a stranger. When I explained that I regularly write about the Bible readings for the Sunday liturgy, his response was, “Oh, then you read the Bible?”

We talked a little bit and he asked about prayer and what might be an important prayer. I suggested, and he agreed, that “The Lord’s Prayer” is fundamental. He began to recite, “Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come….” At that point he stopped. “What do you know about the kingdom?”

I was surprised by his reaction when I said that the Kingdom is here and now. We live in and help bring the Kingdom into the present reality of the world in which we live. Our actions and reactions to what we experience are all part of this process.

He seemed rather dismayed and was ready to educate me further about the Kingdom as it will one day be manifest in concrete form. However, for better or worse, I had been working when he came calling and I needed to complete a couple of things before afternoon, so I excused myself from further conversation. He left, voicing the thought that “We should meet again one day soon and talk further about this.”

In the light of recent events and the political power of some of the fundamentalist streams of the Christian tradition that played a role in the election, I had been pondering the stories of the widow whose was willing to trust God and feed a stranger and the widow who gave all she had to the Temple treasury. What do these stories tell us about God and about the Kingdom of God? The encounter with this unexpected visitor helped focus my thoughts.

When King Ahab ruled in northern Israel, he married a non-Israelite woman named Jezebel. She worshiped the god of her people and led Ahab to do the same. The prophet, Elijah, spoke up and called upon Ahab to return to exclusive worship of the Lord. As a result of Ahab’s refusal to do so, a drought came upon the land and there was much suffering. Eiljah was forced to flee the land, as Jezebel was determined to get rid of him permanently! He went north to a small town called Zarephath in Phoenicia. (The town still exists and is now called Surafend.)

When Elijah arrived at the gate of the town, he found a widow who was collecting sticks outside the town walls. He asked her for a small cup of water to drink and she headed back into town to get it for him. He asked her also to bring him a small bit of bread to eat with the water. At that, she stopped and explained her situation.

Widows in the ancient world had no one who protected them or would help them survive. These were patrilineal families. When a woman married, her family no longer took any responsibility for her welfare. Her husband’s family had total responsibility. If the husband died, his family no longer felt any need to care for her, particularly if there were any challenges in the relationship. She would no longer be providing heirs for the family. She was disposable.

In this case, the widow had a son, but he was a child. There were no guarantees he would grow up. She was on her own and there was a drought. They were down to their last handful of flour and just a touch of oil. Enough for one more tiny meal. Then they would die of starvation. No social safety net. No food for the poor. No meals at school. No food stamps. They were going to die.

Elijah reassured her and made her a promise. “Do not be afraid. Go and do as you propose. But first make me a little cake and bring it to me. Then you can prepare something for yourself and your son. For the Lord, the God of Israel, says, ‘The jar of flour shall not go empty, nor the jug of oil run dry, until the day when the Lord sends rain upon the earth.’”

This was a big chance she was taking. Bring food to a stranger first, then feed her son and herself? And he was not one of her people. He was a foreigner, from another land with which relations had been filled with conflict in the past. But she took a chance on him and the promise of his God.

Elijah lived with her and her son until the time the rains came again, over three years later. The jar never ran out of flour and the jug of oil continued to have enough to make their meals until the rains came again and food became available.

The widow of Zarephath took pity on a stranger, a foreigner. And because of her willingness to help him, she and her son survived. (1 Kgs 17:10-16)

Many years later, Jesus and his followers arrived in Jerusalem from the Galilee. They sat in the Temple, watching the people coming and going. Then as now, people offered monetary sacrifices to God in thanksgiving for gifts received and in hopes of receiving God’s favor in a practical way – with success or healing or other tangible signs of fortune and blessing. They dropped coins into the treasury as one form of sacrifice.

Many people offered these gifts. Some offered quite large sums. Quite likely it was not terribly quiet. Imagine pouring a bag of coins into a bucket, jar, or bowl. Coins are not quiet as they fall.

Jesus had been speaking to his disciples about the importance of not looking at obvious signs of wealth or influence as indicators of holiness, honesty, or trustworthiness. These images of success were not signs that the example of those who were wealthy or influential should be the model of behavior to be followed. “Beware of the scribes, who like to go around in long robes and accept greetings in the marketplaces… and places of honor at banquets.” Why? “They devour the houses of widows and, as a pretext recite lengthy prayers.”

These were folks who cheated the poor and the vulnerable out of their money by offering to pray for them! Sadly, we still see this phenomenon today. Promises are made that if you just give me money, I will be your advocate and make sure to fix everything for you, so all will go in your favor and you will not suffer anymore. I can and will fix things. And people give them money and hope in their promise!

Jesus did not buy this as acceptable. He instead praised a widow who dropped a couple of small coins into the treasury. Their total value was just a few cents, a couple of pennies. Not much worth to anybody. But unlike the gifts of the wealthier folks who were pouring bags of coins into the box, she gave all she had. This was the last money she had. How would she survive? (Mk 12:38-44)

The widow’s gift of everything is challenging. How do we deal with this kind of generosity and faith in God’s care? How do we understand the decision of the widow of Zarephath?

Each of these women is presented as a worthy example of trust in God. One is not a member of the Chosen People. She is a Gentile, a foreigner to Israel. Yet she was saved by trust in God’s promise, delivered by a stranger, a refugee.

The Kingdom of God is here among us today. We see it in the same concrete ways it has appeared in past ages. Christ has entered into the heavenly sanctuary, opening it for the outpouring of divine love, the very life of God. Salvation is here through the self-offering of Jesus himself. (Heb 9:24-28)

The Kingdom of God is growing here and now when the hungry are fed, strangers are welcomed and helped, people are accepted and loved regardless of their gender, women are respected and their choices supported, those without housing are helped to find shelter, those who are imprisoned are visited and given opportunities to begin again and make better choices, those needing work find opportunities opening to them, and so many, many more signs of the presence of a loving community who know themselves to be loved and pass along that love are shining forth. We live the Kingdom through our daily decisions and actions. We don’t have to wait for God’s presence in some distant heaven. God is here now! The Kingdom of Love is here now. We are Christ’s hands and feet, his eyes and heart, opening to love those we meet and share the love with them here and now, through very practical actions and decisions.

As we approach the end of our liturgical year, may we remember these stories. May we trust that when we live the Beatitudes, caring for those less fortunate, those who need help and seek a safe refuge, we will help build the Lord’s kingdom in a land that welcomes all, just as our Father in Heaven loves and welcomes all of us.

Readings for the Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle B


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Posted by on Oct 20, 2024

Growing to Greatness in the Kingdom

Growing to Greatness in the Kingdom

Tevya, in the musical, Fiddler on the Roof, is an ordinary man who must work hard to support his family. He dreams of being rich and all the privileges and comforts that being rich would bring. His musing turns into a song that sums it up.  “If I were a rich man … all day long I’d biddy biddy bum, if I were a wealthy man … I wouldn’t have to work hard … I’d build a big tall house with rooms by the dozens right in the middle of the town…” He has many big dreams of all he could do and all the honors that would be his, “If I were a wealthy man!”

For better or for worse, Tevya is not alone in his dreams of a life of ease and honor. Most of us wish at one point or another that we had just a bit more, so we could do something that we hope and believe will be fun or make our lives easier.

Two of Jesus’ disciples, Zebedee’s sons James and John, also had high hopes and dreams. They came to Jesus and said, quite reasonably they thought, “We want you to do for us whatever we ask of you.” Whatever – not exactly a clear, specific request to which one might easily respond with a yes or no answer.

As it turned out, their request was not something small or insignificant. “Grant that in your glory we may sit one at your right and the other at your left.” In any sort of organization, business, family, community, those who sit at the right and left hands of the boss or leader have extraordinary power, privilege, and access.

Jesus didn’t laugh at them or tell them to “go jump in the lake” or anything that would belittle their request. Instead, he asked if they would be willing to go through the suffering that he would have to experience himself. “Can you drink the cup that I drink or be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?” (Note, baptism in this sense had nothing to do with being washed symbolically, plunged, into water and coming out a new person. This was being plunged into suffering, dishonor, and death.) They responded that they were willing and Jesus assured them that they would indeed share that suffering themselves. However, the honor of sitting in the place of honor in the kingdom was not his to give.

The other disciples were outraged when they heard what James and John were requesting. Jesus had to explain to all of them that the kingdom of God is not like the hierarchies of power and respect we see in society around us. It’s not the powerful who are the great ones. It’s the ones who serve others, who give themselves to bring justice for the poor and those who have no power. (Mk 10:35-45)

This is not an easy thing to do. It’s especially hard for those of us who have had lots of opportunities and privileges as they have grown up. For those whose lives and careers have focused on working hard and getting ahead socially, who have sacrificed so their children would have more opportunities to advance and live easier lives – this does not make sense at all. “I worked hard and got where I am without any hand-outs. Why should someone else get help? Why should I have to pay taxes so someone else can get by without working like I did?”

We hear this kind of thing all the time, especially during political campaign seasons. It’s hard to think of giving up what we have in order to share with those who have not had the same opportunities or social capital.

But that’s not how we are called to move forward and upward in the kingdom. “Whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all.”

Those who challenge the powerful nearly always pay a high price, whether in terms of money, security, power, or reputation. The powerful do not like opposition. Think of those whom we have seen in even the past ten years or so – people brave enough to vote against the dictates of their political parties or who have stood up to aggressors who have tried to take the lands or property of those with less power. Many have been insulted. Some were voted out of office. All have experienced suffering because of their unwillingness to go along with something that is wrong or to bring suffering to those without power.

Those who choose to work for the common good and help the powerless gain access to the resources they need to move into a more secure life, these typically have to accept that they will never be rich. They will spend what they have to help their students, for example. They will share what they have with refugees. They will gather food that would be wasted and share it with the elderly or the poor.

The reward for many who oppose the powerful who are focused on themselves and their wealthy friends is persecution, ridicule, and sometimes loss of life. This is nothing new. The Prophet Isaiah describes one such person who suffers because of his faithfulness to the Lord’s call. The Servant is crushed in infirmity. Yet, in giving his life to counter the effects of wrongdoing (sin), the will of the Lord will be accomplished and the servant’s descendants will have more options. Many will be helped and saved because of the faithful service of one individual. (Is 53:10-11)

Through faithful service, each person grows gradually, step by step to greatness in the kingdom. Greatness does not come through money or influence. It comes through sharing the gifts we have. It comes from helping when it’s hard and forgiving when we have been hurt. In service we discover the presence of the Lord in the faith of those we meet along the way. Those who have little in the way of riches or power may have great wealth in their lives of faith and sharing.

Jesus himself went through all that we experience, from childhood, through adolescence, young adulthood, and moving into his role as an adult in his community. He had parents and relatives, the life of a skilled carpenter in his village, and a life of faith. He also became a traveling teacher and healer – a prophetic voice calling those he met to closer friendship with God. He experienced all aspects of human life, except sinning himself. When the time came, he gave his life in witness to the truth he had proclaimed. As the author of the Letter to the Hebrews reminds us, “we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God.” From him, we will find mercy and grace to help us in growing into the kingdom ourselves. (Heb 4:14-16)

One step at a time. One encounter at a time. One sacrifice at a time. One smile at a time. One gift of respect at a time. One sharing in our own riches and privilege at a time. One reaching out and walking hand-in-hand with a sister or brother human being.

We grow into the kingdom of God, the kingdom of Love.

Readings for the Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle B


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Posted by on Sep 29, 2024

The Company of Prophets – Open to All

The Company of Prophets – Open to All

“You’re right, but you’re too young to know this.”

These words were actually spoken to a young woman by a graduate school advisor when she presented the results of her doctoral research. The faculty member advised her to go back to the data that had been collected previously and see whether there were statistics that would back up what she was presenting in her case studies, so they could be cited to back up her claims.

As it turned out, her sample fell right into the range of responses seen in the entire set of data collected over the multi-year period in which the program had been serving the community. When presented with the evidence, the advisor signed the paperwork for the young woman’s degree.

What is a Prophet?

We tend to think of prophets as being somewhat like fortune tellers. Those who can see what is coming and advise their clients accordingly have a long history of popularity. Will I meet Mr. Right? Will my children be healthy? Who will win the competition? What do you see in your crystal ball?

But a prophet, in religious terms, is not a fortune teller. A prophet is one who praises God, proclaims God’s love for all, and speaks this truth to power. A person who sees through the trappings of power and influence, whose heart is on fire for justice and who is willing to take risks to make the world a better place for all – this is a prophet.

Most prophets do not seek that role. They would be very happy to go about life unnoticed and living in peace with their families and friends. But something gets awakened inside their hearts and builds until they cannot resist it anymore. They must speak. When they do, the opposition begins.

Not all prophets realize the significance of what they are doing in the beginning. A question is asked and they answer truthfully, giving their opinion or an explanation of the reasons for the choice they have made. The opposition they face is not always obvious to them. They assume the questions that follow are a sign of the honest interest of the questioner. Sometimes that’s all it is. Other times, it leads to much more serious opposition.

The Call to Prophesy

In Hebrew and Christian scriptures, the prophet is called by God to speak on behalf of the poor and those of low status in their society. They call out a reminder to the people, “The word of the Lord came to me…” “Thus says the Lord…”

Prophecy is not limited to those who are educated or who have leadership roles, though sometimes prophets will move into leadership. For example, Moses is remembered as the one who led Israel out of Egypt at the time of the Exodus. He spoke the Lord’s words and brought the Law as dictated by the Lord to the community. He combined the roles of leadership and prophet. Moses had been raised by one of Pharaoh’s daughters, according to tradition, so he most likely had an education. However, when he was called by the Lord, he was a shepherd in another land, to which he had fled after killing an Egyptian overseer who was abusing a slave.

A large group of elders helped Moses and Aaron lead the people as they traveled through the Sinai Peninsula. A younger man named Joshua was his assistant. One day, “the Lord came down in the cloud and spoke to Moses.” This had happened before, but that day something different happened. The Lord shared the spirit that he had poured into Moses with the seventy elders of the people. In a sign of what had happened, all of them began to prophesy, to praise God and share the Lord’s message.

Two elders had remained in camp rather than go out into the desert with Moses. (Somebody’s got to stay home and make sure everything is in order!) They too began to prophesy. A young man hurried out to let Moses know what was going on. Joshua, advised Moses to make them stop what they were doing. However, Moses refused. Instead, he declared, “Would that all the people of the Lord were prophets! … that the Lord might bestow his spirit on them all!” (Num 11:25-29)

Would that all the people of the Lord were prophets!

Can you imagine what kind of world that would be, if all were prophets? Certainly more inclusive. Since the Lord excludes no one from love, all would be welcomed and their contributions and insights valued.

Jesus himself made that point. One day, John came to him to report that someone else was driving out demons in his name. John wanted Jesus to put a stop to that encroachment on his power. But Jesus was not upset. “Do not prevent him.” Why? Because “whoever is not against us is for us.” Anyone who is working for justice, acting lovingly, sharing something as simple as a glass of water because the recipient belongs to Christ, will be rewarded.

Jesus went on to speak about how we are to support the little ones who trust and believe in him. He spoke in terms that have been misunderstood through the ages. He was speaking hyperbolically – using exaggerated terms and examples to make a point. The words he spoke were not literal instructions for how to treat other people or even oneself. For example, he spoke of cutting off a hand or a foot if it causes someone to turn away from God. He also spoke of a terrible punishment that came to be used literally to punish those whose behavior, especially in the sexual realm, was not socially acceptable. These words were not meant to be used the way they were interpreted in later years. (Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48)

The point Jesus was making when he spoke these words to John was that we must not act in ways that keep others from coming to know the Lord. We must not put up barriers that exclude any of God’s children. We must not demand that others be just like ourselves or part of some inner circle of the wise or the saved. Anything that keeps us from being loving and accepting of God’s little ones is a detriment. We need to turn away from our spiritual blindness and see truly the Lord of love. We must welcome and support the little ones, who are not always going to be part of our communities.

Prophesy Continues in the Community

St. James wrote to Christians in general, throughout the known world. He spoke prophetically, teaching those who received his words how to live as followers of Jesus. He spoke with authority as leader of the community in Jerusalem and played important roles in the early leadership of the Church.

Christians in the early years, for the most part, were not from among the wealthy. Those who had wealth, gave it to the community. But most folks were the everyday, ordinary people who worked for a living and cared for their families and those in need.

James cried out in his letter a warning against those in society who were holding onto wealth at the expense of others. “Weep and wail over your impending miseries. Your wealth has rotted away … your gold and silver have corroded, and that corrosion will be a testimony against you…” He spoke of those who withheld wages from workers, reminding them that “the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts.” In their lives, they have lived in luxury and eventually even killed “the righteous one,” who offered no resistance to them as he accepted death. (Jas 5:1-6)

The words of James ring true through the centuries and into our times today. The poor still work hard but most cannot escape the limits under which they toil. Few receive the help and the opportunities that allow them to move into more comfortable situations and status in our world. All too often, they are told, and they come to believe it, that there really is no way to change their fate.

But prophetic words and actions continue to be heard even today. Some are from people who are famous. Martin Luther King, Jr. who became a leader in the Civil Rights struggle. The Carters, Roslyn and Jimmy, who have spent so many years working with Habitat for Humanity. Dorothy Day, founder of the Catholic Worker movement.

Others are less known. The men and women who work to provide meals for the elderly or families through programs such as Second Harvest. Children in organizations such as Scouting, Campfire, or 4-H, who include community service as part of their activities. Members of church communities who offer safe parking and host the un-housed in their facilities when the weather is too cold for sleeping outside at night. Those who work for affordable housing.

Prophets are among us yet. They speak out and remind us that our God cares for everyone. No one is excluded. Our social class, our citizenship, our race or ethnicity, our gender orientation, our political beliefs, our preferred social and recreational activities – none of these matters when it comes to God’s love for us. God made us all, just as we are, in all our rich diversity.

And we who have been blessed with the riches of modern life – enough food, shelter, education, healthcare, and so many other things – are called to share what we have with those who have not.

No one is too young to observe injustice or to remind us to act justly. May we keep our ears open to hear and encourage their passion for justice, never discounting their words because they are young. Sometimes the young see more clearly than those with eyes which have become used to seeing things as they are, rather than envisioning what they can become.

The company of prophets is open to all. As we go through this week, let us keep our eyes and ears open. Let us open our hearts to hear the Lord’s voice. Let us speak words of comfort to the afflicted. Let us speak words of challenge to oppression in its many forms. Let us live in the joy of the love of the Lord for all, sharing freely the gifts we have received.

Readings for the Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle B


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Posted by on Sep 15, 2024

Faith Without Works? No Way!

Faith Without Works? No Way!

It happens sometimes that out of the blue, an insight comes to us. Something we might never have considered, suddenly is seen as the clear explanation of a phenomenon we have noticed. Sometimes it’s a relatively minor thing. “Gee, when I go to bed a bit earlier, I’m not so tired in the morning!” “Wow, Mom doesn’t get mad if I clean out the dishwasher before she has to tell me to do it.”

Once in while in our lives, the insight is more fundamental. “When I am kind to someone rather than angry and vengeful, we can sometimes find common ground and not become enemies.” “If I forgive or overlook a slight, I may discover that another person is really afraid of being hurt by me. Then we can begin to talk and find common interests.”

And then there are the transformational encounters, those that set us on a path we might never have chosen for ourselves and that lead to a totally different life than we ever imagined. That life may be filled with joy. It may also lead to difficulties and sorrow. These encounters are never without consequence. They are life-changing.

Speaking the insight that is received

The prophets, for example, are ordinary people who have heard the Lord’s voice in an unmistakable way calling them to speak out in the face of injustice. They don’t seek this role. They typically try to get out of it. They argue with the Lord about their fitness for the role. But the Lord is persistent and the fire of that voice burns within the prophet until speech bursts forth.

Prophets can be men or women. Some are young and some are old. We know the names of some. Others remain anonymous, with their words being attributed to other more famous folks.

The prophet Isaiah spoke in the years before the Babylonian exile, calling the people and their leaders again and again to faithfulness to the Covenant. Unfortunately, the response was inadequate and Israel was conquered, its leaders and many of the people taken into exile in Babylon. Through the years, disciples and others wrote words of encouragement and prophecy that have also been gathered into the collection we know as the Book of Isaiah.

The readings known as the Servant Songs are from this later add-on to the prophecies of Isaiah. The prophet here tells of his call and its result.

“The Lord God opens my ear that I may hear; and I have not rebelled, have not turned back.” Physical and verbal abuse were heaped upon the servant by those angered by his words. (It’s safe to use the masculine here, because he speaks of giving his “cheeks to those who plucked my beard!”) Yet the servant remains faithful to God, trusting in the Lord’s help, knowing that he will not be proven wrong in his calls for fidelity to the Covenant. “See, the Lord God is my help; who will prove me wrong?” (Is 50:5-9a)

Who do you say that I am?

Jesus too came with signs and wonders, as well as teachings that were disturbing to those with power and influence in his time. He had heard the voice of his Father and knew that he must speak. The healings were signs of God’s compassion and focus on caring for the needs of the poor and the ill.

Yet who would have expected a carpenter from Nazareth to speak such words and perform such signs? People from his area of Israel were not seen as educated or as exemplars of the faith. He was not one of the priestly class. He was not a teacher of the Law. Yet here he was, speaking as one with authority and calling the people to faithfulness to the Lord.

No one expected that Jesus would go off to the Jordan River to be baptized by John and come back over a month later with a whole new sense of who he was. Most folks remained unchanged outwardly by their experience at the Jordan.

Jesus was touched in a special way in his baptism. He heard the Father’s voice calling him, awakening him to his calling. He took time to let it sink in, spending time alone in the desert praying and testing what he had experienced. He resisted the temptations to use the call for his own benefit and fame. He returned to his home territory and began teaching those who would listen and healing those whose ailments seemed incurable. This arrival of a new prophet was noteworthy and attracted a lot of attention.

One day, he asked his close friends, “Who do people say that I am?” Most folks thought he was a prophet, maybe John the Baptist or Elijah returned from the dead and heralding the coming soon of the Messiah. Then he asked them a more fundamental question: “Who do you say that I am?” This is really a critical question. It’s one we each have to ask ourselves at some point in our lives.

Peter’s answer to this question, “You are the Christ,” was a momentous statement. “The Christ” was the title of the long-awaited one who would restore everything to the way it is supposed to be. At that time, the Christ, the Anointed One, the Messiah, was expected to be the one who would restore Israel to a position of power in the world. It was a dramatic and dangerous thing to say. People had been tortured to death for claiming less. The Roman authorities did not hesitate to deal severely with folks making such claims. Jesus knew this and warned his disciples not to speak of it to anyone. Notice, however, that Jesus did not deny the claim.

Jesus knew that being the chosen one was a dangerous role. He knew in the depths of his being that he must take the word of the Lord to Jerusalem and the authorities there. He knew what typically happened to prophets who brought the Lord’s commands to them. He knew he would be risking his life. In fact, he was pretty sure it would lead to his death.

The Gospel of Mark was written within about 40 years of Jesus’ death and resurrection. In the stories leading up to his final days, we see statements that are based on the insights of the Christian community after the resurrection. Jesus’ statement that he would be killed and rise after three days may be one of those later insights. Regardless of such details, Peter was deeply upset by the idea that his friend would be killed. He tried to get Jesus to back off and not risk going to Jerusalem at all. But Jesus refused the advice. “Get behind me Satan. You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.”

Jesus set Peter and those who came later straight. “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” It’s not going to be an easy path. There will be opposition to all that discipleship entails. Folks in power will not take kindly to being told their honor and privileges are not signs of their personal superiority. Those who have security and comfortable lifestyles will not want to give up some of what they have so that others who have not been so fortunate can have the basics of survival and dignity. (Mk 8:27-35)

Demonstrating Faith from Works

How exactly are followers of Jesus to live in faith? Is it enough to believe intellectually? Is it OK to say that if people just worked harder they would be able to support themselves and their families? If I offer wishes for peace and a safe life to a person who has no way to experience it or make it happen, have I done what Jesus calls me to do? What risks am I willing to take?

St. James faced some of these issues as they arose in the early community. He asks point blank, “What good its it, my brothers and sisters, if someone says he has faith but does not have works?” It’s not enough to offer only good wishes. Those who have enough must share with those who do not.

People do not all have the same opportunities. Faith demands a response, a practical response, in which the needs of all are considered. If I claim to have a right to have a roof over my head, food on my table, healthcare for myself and my family, education, safety, and so forth, then I must recognize that others have the same right. We are all children of God. Yet not all have the same opportunities or social capital. So we must share what we have. And when our communities, our cities, our nations get very large, we must set up systems that assure that all have access to these benefits. St. James turns the statement around for the people of his day and for us, “Demonstrate your faith to me without works, and I will demonstrate my faith to you from my works.” (Jas 2:14-18) Only our works truly show forth our faith.

These issues of listening to the voice of the Lord and working for social and economic justice have led to struggles for centuries. The Lord has not stopped calling prophets to speak. Many of the great saints have led by their example of service to the poor. Groups of men and women have joined them in the endeavor and continue to do so even today.

In our own times, people continue to hear this call. We debate it on the local, national, and international stages. Some folks get very rich. Others remain very poor. Some take advantage of the misfortune of others. Some step up to try to help. Some stand outside and call for justice. Others work from within, to set up programs and policies to make things more equitable.

As we move through the next weeks and months, facing tremendous national and international challenges, may we be attentive to the call from Jesus, “Whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it.” Losing one’s life does not always entail physical death. Sometimes it’s a question of sharing what we have.

The Bottom Line?

Faith without good works? No way! They dance together and shine wonderfully, bringing the Kingdom to birth in our times.

Readings for the Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle B


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Posted by on Sep 8, 2024

Ephphatha – Be Opened

Ephphatha – Be Opened

Two little boys, brothers, went to the local park nearly every day with their Nanny. One spoke Spanish easily with her, since his parents had spoken Spanish with him from the time he was an infant. The other refused to speak Spanish, though he had also heard it regularly as a child. Their Nanny, who was from Mexico, understood enough English that she was able to communicate with both of them.

Why did the second child refuse to speak Spanish? He explained later that he had noticed that children who spoke Spanish at the playground were treated with less respect and friendship than those who spoke English. Although his complexion was darker than his brother’s, by refusing to speak Spanish publicly, he avoided awaking the prejudice of others in the park.

Both boys learned Spanish in elementary school and high school. Both speak Spanish well today. The second one even did research in archives in Spain for his Senior thesis in history from a prestigious American university. But they have both felt the sting of the prejudice that assumes their Latin heritage makes their hard work and successes suspect.

Trusting in Unsettled Times

Throughout history, as peoples have moved from one location to another, those who are not members of the local community and are newly arrived have been seen as threats. This is not without reason in many historical instances, as newcomers so often have invaded and taken over lands that have belonged to others. Even when the newcomers are simply seeking refuge from famine or war or illness in their homelands, they are often seen as a threat. We see it all too clearly in our country today. We have seen it before. It is never a positive trait or characteristic of a people who say they trust in the Lord. It is, instead, a sign of lack of trust, courage, and faith in the power of God to provide for all.

In ancient Israel, this same phenomenon was seen. When times were changing, other nations invading, threats of loss or exile at hand, people were quite reasonably distressed. The Hebrew word we translate as frightened meant to be thinking fast, as in panicked. For Greek translators, the word had the connotation of being downcast or disheartened. Either way, Isaiah tells us the Lord says, “Be strong, fear not!” God is coming to save the people. The eyes of the blind will be opened. Deaf ears will hear. Mute tongues will speak. Rivers and streams will flow in deserts and dry grasslands, bringing abundance of water to the thirsty. All will be well. (Is 35:4-7a

The psalmist sings of the works of the Lord, bringing justice for the oppressed, food for the hungry, sight to the blind, protection for strangers. The works of the Lord are seen in the way those who are in need are helped. (Ps 146)

Judging By Appearance

Economic inequality is another issue with ancient roots. We see it today as people loudly proclaim their beliefs/fears that newcomers will take away their jobs and hurt them personally. Yet the reality is that without the energy and willingness to work of new arrivals, many services would not be available in our communities. Our immigrant ancestors came with the same determination to give all they had to make a life here and give back to the country that had given them refuge.

St. James chided early Christian communities in which those with wealth were more enthusiastically welcomed than those who were poor. When this happens, “have you not made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil designs?” He tells his community and, through the centuries, he also reminds us, God has chosen “those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom…” (Jas 2:1-5)

Those who minister in immigrant and low-income communities will testify that this is true yet today. There is a tremendous depth of faith, hope, and determination to contribute to the new land in which they are living and working. And such statements of hope are typically concluded with the phrase, “Si Dios quiere.” If God so wills it.

Be Opened

Jesus was presented with a man who was deaf and had a speech impediment. The people who brought him to Jesus cared about him and asked Jesus to heal their friend.

Jesus led the man away from the crowd. Then he touched the man’s ears. He spit on his finger and touched the man’s tongue. (Spittle was believed to have healing properties in Jesus’ time.) He looked up to heaven, groaned (a prayer?) and said, “Ephphatha.” This Aramaic word was used in telling of this event in the Gospel of Mark, which was written in Greek. It means, “be opened.”

Immediately the man’s ears were opened so he could hear and his speech impediment was taken away. His ears and tongue were opened and freed.

Jesus told the man and his friends not to tell anyone, but who could keep such an amazing gift quiet? People who heard about it were astonished and spoke of the wonder they had witnessed: “He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.” (Mk 7:31-37)

When we are baptized, a part of the ritual includes the blessing of the ears and mouth of the newly baptized. The prayer and hope in this ritual is that the new Christian will hear the Gospel and share it with others, just as the man healed so many centuries ago did.

Ephphatha – Do we hear today?

As we move through the days and weeks to come, how will we hear the Lord’s voice in our world, in the people we meet and those we serve? Will we see the Lord ‘s love for those who are maybe a bit different? Will we see the Lord in those whose speech is accented or who don’t speak English easily or at all? Will we support access to health care for those who can’t afford to pay full price? Will we help those who earn minimum wage to be able to feed their families and provide a home for their children?

How will we welcome the immigrant, the stranger, the old, the young, the deaf, and the mute?

Will we hear the Lord’s word? He speaks to us today. “Ephphatha – Be Opened. Hear my voice and see me present in those you meet each day.”

Readings for the Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle B


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Posted by on Feb 19, 2023

Be Holy

Be Holy

Be Holy.

Two simple words, but what a challenge to obey them! The Lord instructed Moses to speak to the community of Israelites and tell them, “Be holy, for I, the Lord, your God, am holy.”

What does it mean to be holy? The book of Leviticus is the third book of the Hebrew scriptures. In this book, the many rules and regulations for how the people are to live are laid out. In this particular chapter (19:1-2, 17-18), there is a listing of things (in verses 3 -16) that many of us would recognize as part of the Ten Commandments. We don’t hear that whole list in the selection for our reading today, however, only the command to love our fellow humans as we love ourselves. Hatred, anger, revenge, grudges – all are prohibited because they are not the way of love.

Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount also refers to the law as set forth in the books of Exodus and Leviticus when presenting the instructions for his followers. (Mt 5:38-48) He mentions the injunction that allows taking “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” from those who harm others. We hear that and are appalled at the thought of such punishment. Nevertheless, this statement from the ancient Law was actually a huge step forward in its time. It limited revenge for injuries inflicted on others to no more than what the one who was guilty had done to another. No more killing an entire village because one member had injured someone from another village or insulted someone more powerful!

Jesus takes it a step further. “Offer no resistance to the one who is evil,” and gives concrete examples from life as experienced in his community and by those to whom he spoke. For example, Roman soldiers were allowed to require people to help transport things for a mile, whether it was convenient for them or not. Jesus says, give them two miles rather than one mile. Some have suggested that in this, he was actually giving people a way to protest the law that required one mile. It put the soldiers into a difficult position, because they were left to explain why the person had carried the burden for two miles! Had they broken the rule themselves and forced the extra service? Whether that was it or not, the idea of giving extra service to the soldiers of a hated conquering nation was quite unheard of.

Then there’s that little bit about loving enemies… What a crazy idea. But Jesus insists. Anyone can love people who are friendly and treat them well. It’s much harder to behave lovingly to those who treat us badly. Still, Jesus points out, God doesn’t treat those who do evil badly. God treats all with the same gifts of sunshine and rain – the things they need to live.

If we love only those who love us, we are like everyone else. But to go that extra step (or mile) and be good and kind and loving to those who hurt us – well that is beyond the norm. That enters into the realm of the divine, the realm to which we are called. The realm of the Holy One.

St. Paul reminds the people of Corinth and the people of the world today that we are the new temple of God, because the Spirit of God lives within us and within our community. (1Cor 3:16-23) As part of that temple, we ourselves are holy too. But how to be holy? It’s not through the ordinary wisdom for getting ahead in life. In the eyes of God, that is foolishness. We are called to embrace God’s foolishness – that of caring for others, loving enemies, helping those in need. Every member of the community has a responsibility to every other member. Each person belongs to us as family, we belong to Christ as family, and Christ to God. Here we find ourselves again, called to be holy, because God is holy and we belong to God.

So as we pass our days this week and enter into the holy season of Lent on Wednesday, let’s remember to look for the ways in which we get to practice the holiness of God by being loving and forgiving, patient and kind to all those we meet each day.

Readings for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle A

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Posted by on Aug 14, 2022

Setting the Earth on Fire

Setting the Earth on Fire

It’s summer in the Northern Hemisphere – a time of increased risk of wildfires and the destruction they can bring. Two years ago, we experienced the power of fire firsthand, as the CZU complex fire swept through the forests outside Santa Cruz, destroying the homes of friends and the businesses of many, as well as delaying the start of school. Beginning with a huge dry-lightning storm on Aug 16, 2020, the fires burned out of control for over a month, before they were contained. Shortly before Christmas, Cal Fire believed the fires were completely out, but actually, they continued to burn deep underground in the redwood forests into 2021. September 9, 2020, the skies turned red-orange in the daytime here on the coast and the day remained dark, as ash fell from the skies. We rejoiced the next day when the fog came in and our skies around Monterey Bay were washed clean. The fog continued to wash the air for the next few days and the darkness did not return here, but other areas were not so fortunate. The smoky tinge in the skies continued for weeks, even here.

Blessedly, we have not had such devastating fires here on the Central Coast since then, but fires are blazing in other areas throughout the Western states, Canada, Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and Siberia as I write today. Skies are fiery red-orange. And fire season is far from over.

I am thinking of that experience, looking at the clear sky which nevertheless carries a slight hint of the reddish color that comes from the smoke of fires burning in other areas and reading Jesus’ words, “I have come to set the earth on fire.” (Lk 12:49)

Really? Are you sure that’s a good idea, Lord? People can get hurt! Fire is not a force to mess with …

Jesus speaks these words about setting the earth on fire to his disciples. A large crowd has gathered and in the past two weeks we’ve been hearing Jesus as he teaches the crowds about the importance of holding lightly to things, trusting God to provide for their needs. He has spoken very clearly to his closer followers, those who were his disciples, about the importance of servants being prepared for the return of their master. When Peter asks Jesus whether these teachings apply to all or just to his closest followers, Jesus assures him that it applies to all, but most especially to those entrusted with more responsibility – the servant placed in charge of the master’s household.

It is at this very point that Jesus makes his astounding statement – “I have come to light a fire on the earth … Do you think I have come to establish peace on the earth? I assure you, the contrary is true; I have come for division.”

The proclamation of the Kingdom of God is not something that is gentle and unchallenging. The message Jesus brings is not all sweetness and light. It’s not for the faint of heart or those unwilling to risk drawing negative attention to themselves.

Jesus knows that he himself runs a great risk of falling afoul of the authorities and of being punished. He is afraid of what is ahead for him: “I have a baptism to receive. What anguish I feel till it is over!” He is not unaware of the fate of prophets.

Yet he persists. He speaks the words of the Father. He calls the world to justice, to care for the weak and powerless, to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, house the homeless, share of the abundance of the world among all the peoples, regardless of their “worthiness” to share in it. He even takes his message to the seat of power in his land: Jerusalem and the leaders there.

Setting the earth on fire … so new life will spring forth for all.

The prophet Jeremiah ran into trouble too when he spoke the Lord’s words. Jerusalem was facing destruction at the hands of the Babylonians. The Lord instructed him to tell the soldiers and the king to surrender rather than try to fight off the empire. Those who were determined to fight spoke against him to the king: “Jeremiah ought to be put to death; he is demoralizing the soldiers …” (Jer 38: 4-6,8-10) When King Zedekiah threw up his hands and let them have their way, Jeremiah was lowered into a mostly dried up cistern – a well – and left there in the mud to die. He was rescued when one of the king’s trusted advisors reported what had happened to Jeremiah. The king then sent the man with three others to rescue Jeremiah from the cistern.

Zedekiah did not ultimately take Jeremiah’s advice. He and his troops were badly defeated. His family was killed and he was taken away as a prisoner. Most of the people were also killed or taken away as captives. The few who remained did not unite and work together. They fought each other for power. It was a time of tremendous upheaval. Jeremiah continued to speak the Lord’s words, arguing for peace and cooperation among those who remained, but he was mostly ignored. It was a long time before the Jewish people returned to their homeland from exile in Babylon. But that’s all part of the longer story.

Jeremiah spoke the words he received from the Lord. The words were not received positively. Fire was ignited upon the earth, but not because Jeremiah remained silent. Human voices and actions are needed by the Lord. And humans choose how to respond. All too often they respond with violence and conflict.

The author of the letter to the Hebrews speaks of a “great cloud of witnesses” who have gone before all of us on the journey of faith.  (Heb 12:1-4) This reading follows a long presentation of the history of the Lord’s calling of His people, beginning with the sacrifices of Abel and Cain at the beginning of the human story and continuing with the calling of Abraham and those who followed. Those who came before Jesus did not have his example or the certainty of the resurrection to carry them on their journey of faith. We are blessed to have the model of Jesus and his endurance of the cross and its shame as we face misunderstanding and opposition to the message we carry and the way of life we have chosen. We keep our eyes on Jesus as we live, trusting in the ways of God.

With the Psalmist and all those who have come before us, including Jesus, we pray, “Lord, come to my aid!” (Ps 40) We wait for the Lord, who pulls us out of the cisterns in which we find ourselves, puts a new song of praise into our mouths, and thinks of us, though we are poor and afflicted.  We are blessed by a God who comes to our defense.

Even in the face of the fires kindled by the message of the Lord.

Does this mean we are to fight each other and that divisions among us are OK? Absolutely not! We are called together to work on behalf of those who are denied the basics needed for human dignity – food, clothing, shelter, heath care, education, justice …

As followers of Jesus’ Way, members of the Kingdom of God, the lives we lead, the message we bear, the friends we make along the way, will seldom be “typical” of those of the rich and powerful in our world communities. We will discover that “hard work” and “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps” are not sufficient or possible for those without basic resources. It’s impossible to use bootstraps to advance upward when one does not even have flip flops!

As Christians, we are called to join our Lord in setting the earth on fire. Make good trouble. Speak out for those whose rights are being trampled. Share resources. Fight for health care for all. Defend women’s rights. And those of our non-binary sisters and brothers. And those who flee violence. And, And, And … so many others! The forgotten ones of our world.

Pray for me and I will pray for you. May we see the Lord in those around us. May our eyes be opened to the ways we put people in boxes or cisterns because we don’t want to hear what they have to tell us of the Lord’s vision for them and for us. May our ears be opened to the cries of God’s little ones who cannot provide for themselves. May our hearts be touched with tenderness when we meet the Lord on the street, or in a jail, or securely hiding behind the gifts of security they have received.

May we have the courage to embrace the fire of Jesus’ message, so new life can spring forth in our dry hearts.

Readings for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

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Posted by on Jul 10, 2022

Something Very Near to You

Something Very Near to You

Reading these words, “something very near to you,” I find myself wondering, what is very near to me? What do I treasure most? What is a fundamental part of me that might not even be consciously mine? Do I even know what is very near to me?

As Moses and the Israelites approach the promised land after forty years of travels through the Sinai Peninsula and lands to the east of the Jordan River, he realizes that the time has come to pass the leadership of the community into younger hands. He is now old and the end of his days is at hand.

In this first reading for the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Moses gives some final instructions and his final plea/dream to the people. “If only you would heed the voice of the Lord … and keep his commandments…” (Dt 30:10-14) He calls on them to return once again to the Lord, “with all your heart and all your soul.”

Early in their travels, Moses had gone up to the mountaintop and received the tablets containing the Law from the Lord God. He brought the Law down to the people and it became the foundation of their way of life and traditions. Sometimes they followed it well. Other times not. Always it was the basis of their agreement, their Covenant, with God.

As it becomes obvious that Moses will not be leading them when they enter the new land, they must have wondered, who will now bring the Law to us? Who will be the intermediary with God? Where will our leader need to go to find God and bring instructions to us?

Moses corrects the notion that the Law by which they live is something mysterious and remote that needs to be found in the sky or across the sea, or in some other far-off land. No one needs to travel far to retrieve and bring it back to the people so they will know how to live. He tells them, “No, it is something very near to you, already in your mouths and in your hearts; you have only to carry it out.”

What is written in the Law?

St. Luke brings us a picture of what it means to live according to the Law. (Lk 10:25-37) A student of the Law, a person who had spent many years studying Jewish laws and tradition, asked Jesus a question. “Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus went right back to basics. “What is written in the law?” The man responded with a condensed statement of Mosaic law. “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, and with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”

This answer was absolutely correct. No need to add anything more. No need to travel to the sky or across the sea. Love God and love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus assured the man that nothing more would be needed.

Then came the follow-up question, “Who is my neighbor?” This is one we all need to contemplate. Is my neighbor the person living next door, on my block, on the other side of the block, my village, my region of the country, my country? How far out do I need to go before those I meet cease to be my neighbor and I no longer need to love them?

Today we often hear, “There’s an app for that!” We might equally well say, “With Jesus, there’s a parable for that!”

Jesus told a story. There was a man who was traveling from Jerusalem down to Jericho. This was a mountainous area, with lots of bandits along the way. He was attacked, beaten, robbed, and left half-dead beside the road.

Two men passed by the wounded traveler, but moved to the opposite side of the road as they walked by him. Neither stopped. One was a priest, the other a Levite.

(Time out of the story for a bit of explanation. Priests were descendants of Aaron, brother of Moses, who offered sacrifice in the temple. They were subject to strict rules of purity and behavior because they entered the most holy places. Levites were members of the tribe of Levi, descendants of the third son of Jacob and Leah. Levites assisted with services and worship at the temple, but were not priests. They filled roles that we would call musicians, song-leaders, acolytes, lectors, greeters, administrators, guards/guides, artists, designers, and so forth. They were held to higher standards of purity in obedience to the Law, but not as high as those for priests.)

So a priest and a Levite passed the man. The story doesn’t say whether they were on the way to Jerusalem or on the way back, but it really didn’t matter to Jesus. The point was that they were people who had higher than average position and responsibility in society and in worship, and they did not stop to help.

Another traveler came along the road. This person was from Samaria. Samaritans were hated by Jews. They were descended from some of the people who had been left behind during the Babylonian exile. Their land had been conquered earlier and the survivors had adapted their religious beliefs and practices to include some of what came from the conquerors. They worshiped on mountaintops rather than in Jerusalem. Folks traveling between Judea in the south and Galilee in the north tried to go around Samaria or spend as little time as possible there. These were not folks one would expect to find as heroes in a story told by a good Jew.

Yet this is exactly the person Jesus presents as the hero of the story. The Samaritan sees the injured man and takes pity on him. He gives first aid, loads him on his own donkey, and takes him to an inn. He cares for him there overnight, then leaves money for the innkeeper to continue caring for him, with a promise to reimburse any additional costs as he (the Samaritan) returns along the way.

Jesus asks a simple question, “Which one of these three … was neighbor to the robbers’ victim?” The answer is clear – the Samaritan who was merciful. Jesus agrees and adds, “Go and do likewise.”

The command of the Law was closer to the heart of the Samaritan in this case than to the other two travelers. Care for the one in need of help, whoever that is, trumps ritual purity and practice or other societal norms.

Would it be closer for you or me? Hmmm.

How can all of this be possible?

A hymn from the early church, shared by St. Paul in his letter to the Colossians, gives a hint of how this can be possible. (Col 1:15-20) “Christ Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.” All things were created through him and for him, even the great principalities and powers of the spirit world. Everything is held together because of him. He’s the head of the church, his body. The fullness (God) dwelt in him, the human man, and reconciled all things through him. Peace between God and creation was achieved through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.

We are the body of Christ. We, the human members of the community. Jesus lives in us and we in and through him. Because of this, we have a real chance of living the law of love that he taught. The law that Moses says is “something very near to you” and Jesus presents as the foundation of loving a neighbor as ourselves.

Is living the law of love always easy? No. Is it always the popular thing to do? No. Is it always totally clear how to live? Not always, but there are hints if we keep our eyes and hearts open. Do our cultures and societies make this very easy? Not really. It’s much easier to love those who are like ourselves and with whom we share experiences, language, and culture. Do we have to love other folks anyway, even if we don’t like what we see? Yes. Can it just be an intellectual, “My heart goes out to you?” No. It must be practical.

“Go and do likewise.” “It is something very near to you … you have only to carry it out.”

Lord, help me to listen to your voice speaking through my heart. Help us to come together in loving service.

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