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Theologika.net is a place for thoughtful reflection on religious experience.

Theologika’s goal is to provide a noise-free environment that gives everyone access to the best thinking and reflections of theologians, philosophers, social scientists, and other specialists about religious experience and institutions.

Theologika is also a place for these specialists to hear your questions and to offer support in your search.

Theologika’s Blog, in particular, will focus on today’s issues, challenges, and controversies in a way that provides less heat and more light.

Basic Assumptions and Ground Rules

Our fundamental assumption, quoting St. Irenaeus in the second century is “The glory of God is humanity fully alive.” We assume therefore that God does not play tricks on us. Reason is a gift we are expected to use in looking at our universe. Science and its methods are not a threat to faith. God takes great delight in our growth in knowledge and wisdom just as human parents do in watching their children grow.

Theologika is a place for thoughtful reflection, so the tone of the entries must be respectful and reasoned. Some ideas which will be presented will be controversial. Only through discussion and mutual respect, despite disagreement, can growth and understanding occur.

Theologika is not an organ or official website of any religious organization. The initial focus is on Christianity. Our background is in the Roman Catholic tradition, but we welcome comments and insights of people of other faith traditions in the world as we explore the mystery from which we have our being and in which we dwell.

We welcome comments and questions from people of all ages and walks of life – children, teens, young adults and older ones. No question is too basic to raise. Sometimes what seems simple is actually deeply complex and can lead to profound insights. Our purpose is to help you find help and support from trusted authorities to answer your questions and to help you explore the mystery.

About Us

Theologika is the creation of two anthropologists, Deacon Randolfo R. Pozos, Ph.D. and Kathleen Brewer de Pozos, Ph.D. They are both graduates of Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington, where Randy majored in biology and philosophy and Kathy majored in biology and Spanish. Both are members of Alpha Sigma Nu, the national Jesuit Honor Society.

Randy received a master’s degree in Public Health Planning and Administration from U.C. Berkeley in 1976, a doctorate in Social Cultural Anthropology from U.C. Berkeley in 1980, and a master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry from Santa Clara University in 2018. He was ordained a deacon for the Diocese of Monterey, CA in 2018.

Kathy received her doctorate in Medical Anthropology in 1980 with a sub-specialization in  Anthropology of  Religion from a joint program between U.C. Berkeley and U.C. San Francisco.

Despite doing some teaching and research, they have not had conventional careers in academia. Instead, they have spent the majority of their careers as management consultants in healthcare.

Over the years they have done extensive work in cross-cultural ministry training for the Catholic Church and volunteered in religious education for youth and adults. They have three children and three grandchildren and live in Santa Cruz, CA.