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Blog Reflections

Wisdom’s Surprising Abundance

Posted by on Oct 13, 2024 in Cycle B, Lived Religion, Ordinary Time, Wisdom | 0 comments

Wisdom’s Surprising Abundance

God’s word brings the gift of wisdom to us and looks for its fruit in our lives. May we have the grace to accept the gift and live in wisdom’s freedom.

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Bone of my Bones – Flesh of my Flesh

Posted by on Oct 6, 2024 in Cycle B, Lived Religion, love, Marriage, Ordinary Time, Women | 0 comments

Bone of my Bones – Flesh of my Flesh

Foundational myths help people explain how things came to be. Our challenge is to see more deeply into their meaning to celebrate love’s multi-patterned forms.

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The Company of Prophets – Open to All

Posted by on Sep 29, 2024 in Cycle B, Faith and Public Policy, Faith in Action, Ordinary Time, Social Justice | 0 comments

The Company of Prophets – Open to All

A prophet praises God and speaks truth to power. Prophets are among us yet. No one is too young. Let us keep our eyes and ears open to hear the Lord’s voice.

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Whoever Receives One Child in My Name

Posted by on Sep 22, 2024 in Cycle B, everyday revelation, Ordinary Time, Social Justice | 0 comments

Whoever Receives One Child in My Name

“You’ve got to be taught” whether to be afraid or to welcome “the stranger” in our midst. Through meeting and accepting newcomers, we meet and welcome the Lord.

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Faith Without Works? No Way!

Posted by on Sep 15, 2024 in Cycle B, Ever Ancient / Ever New, everyday revelation, Faith and Public Policy, Faith and Reason, Faith in Action, Ordinary Time, Social Justice | 0 comments

Faith Without Works? No Way!

How are followers of Jesus to live in faith? Faith demands a practical response to issues of inequality of opportunity & access. Faith and works dance together.

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Ephphatha – Be Opened

Posted by on Sep 8, 2024 in Cycle B, Faith and Public Policy, Faith in Action, Ordinary Time, Social Justice | 0 comments

Ephphatha – Be Opened

Newcomers have been seen as threats since ancient times. The powerful & wealthy have been honored. Christians are called to help the powerless & welcome them.

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Eternity Between Time and Space

Posted by on Sep 6, 2024 in Faith and Reason | 0 comments

Eternity Between Time and Space

A new book of essays from a conference on eternity, time, and space convened by the Vatican Observatory in May 2022.

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Jesus Expels Negative Message Demons

Posted by on Sep 3, 2024 in Mercy, Psychology and Spirituality | 0 comments

Jesus Expels Negative Message Demons

We don’t think of negative voices within us as being types of demons. In this homily Dr. Wilhelm addresses these demons and how we can be delivered from them.

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No More and No Less – Just Right

Posted by on Sep 1, 2024 in Cycle B, Faith in Action, Lived Religion, Mercy, Ordinary Time | 0 comments

No More and No Less – Just Right

We are to be doers of the word of justice and truth from the Father. The limitations our cultures put on service are not binding. Toss in your heart & add love.

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Go Forward, Go Backward, or Stay Put

Posted by on Aug 25, 2024 in Cycle B, Ordinary Time | 0 comments

Go Forward, Go Backward, or Stay Put

Just as in the days of Joshua, Paul, and Jesus, we have decisions to make for ourselves, our families, our world. How will we lay out the tracks of our journey?

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