Blog Reflections
What Do We Expect in a King?
What do we expect in a king? Historically, an autocrat who looked out for self first. But Jesus offers a different model – a kingdom of truth & justice for all.
read moreMissed the Rapture Again?
Things are a mess out there in the world. People are divided. Yet we are all still in this together. It’s time to continue to work together for a world of love.
read moreWidows, Children, and the Kingdom
The Kingdom of God is here among us today. We see its presence when widows, children, refugees, prisoners, and ordinary people help each other live and thrive.
read moreLove – Worth More than Burnt Offerings
As citizens of the Kingdom, we are called to Love the Lord totally. We can preach about Jesus, but do we stoop to help someone who is different than we are?
read moreEphraim is My First-born
We are at a time of great turmoil, called to be open and to love all, lest we become blind to God’s love and the grace gained for us by our high priest, Jesus.
read moreGrowing to Greatness in the Kingdom
Those who challenge the powerful usually pay a high price. With Jesus, one step at a time, helping those who have little power, we grow great in God’s kingdom.
read moreWisdom’s Surprising Abundance
God’s word brings the gift of wisdom to us and looks for its fruit in our lives. May we have the grace to accept the gift and live in wisdom’s freedom.
read moreBone of my Bones – Flesh of my Flesh
Foundational myths help people explain how things came to be. Our challenge is to see more deeply into their meaning to celebrate love’s multi-patterned forms.
read moreThe Company of Prophets – Open to All
A prophet praises God and speaks truth to power. Prophets are among us yet. No one is too young. Let us keep our eyes and ears open to hear the Lord’s voice.
read moreWhoever Receives One Child in My Name
“You’ve got to be taught” whether to be afraid or to welcome “the stranger” in our midst. Through meeting and accepting newcomers, we meet and welcome the Lord.
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