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Posted by on Jul 25, 2009

Theologika’s Birthday

Today, July 25, is the second  anniversary of Theologika’s blog. Two years ago we began this great adventure of researching and writing on topics we hope are of interest to our readers around the world. It’s been fun to learn about the lives of saints – both new to us and old friends from childhood. We’ve written about books we’ve been reading and mused about their philosophical and theological underpinnings.  We’ve shared some of our own thoughts about controversies of our times, both as Americans and as Catholics. We’ve brought our training as anthropologists to bear in considering some of the challenges we all face as citizens of the world.

In this coming year we plan to share with you some of the resources we’ve found – some organizations that exist to help make the world a better place, many, if not most, started by the response of ordinary people to the challenges they see in the communities around them. People of faith who belief in the depths of their being that injustices must be righted, that we must stand with the oppressed and help as best we can to end the oppression, that sometimes all we can do is be with those who suffer and share their lot. Christians have a long history of doing just that. Yes, we’ve made mistakes. Yes, sometimes we’ve gotten lost and acted more as oppressors. But through it all there have been people who listened to God’s call to serve. Many of them we recognize as saints today. Their witness lives on in the institutions that grew from their vision. And a new generation follows their example and reaches out to meet the challenges of today.

I hope you continue to check in with us in the coming year. There’ll be some interesting groups and individuals, as well as some very worthy causes, to broaden your horizons. And there are still lots of saints, books, controversies and everyday musings on the wonders our God has done and continues to do in our lives that will merit comment in our blog.

Thanks for visiting and reading our blog. See you again soon!

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