The Week before Christmas – A Time for Stillness
Please join us in the joyful anticipation of Christmas during this time of stillness and waiting that is Advent. We remind ourselves that the celebration of Christmas begins on the Eve of the Nativity, the 24th. There are two weeks to celebrate this great feast of God with us. Leave the hustle and bustle and share the gift of peace with your loved ones.
The O Antiphons which are sung before the Magnificat at Vespers set the tone for each day of this special week.
December 17 – O Sapientia
“O Wisdom, O holy Word of God, you govern all creation with your strong yet tender care. Come and show your people the way to salvation.”
What wisdom is this folly?
That God should come to share our death?
What Word of God, the Fullest Godself Expression on High
That governs all, would come for us in such lowliness?
O Wisdom? O Foolishness of Divine Love,
You seek us out, O Wisdom from on high.