Visitation Cream Puffs
Celebrating with food brings the mysteries of faith to life within family life. Cream puffs are a delightful way to taste the wonders of the sweet gifts hidden within each life. Just as both Mary and her cousin Elizabeth carried their sons for nine months hidden within their bodies, cream puffs hide the sweet cream inside. As you taste these morsels, offer a prayer of thanks to God for the gifts of these two children and their service to the Kingdom. And then remember the millions of other children who have grown and/or are growing within their mothers’ wombs. Offer a prayer of thanks for each of them and the gifts they too bring to our world as God’s children.
Cream Puffs
- 1/2 cup butter or margarine
- 1 cup boiling water
- 1 cup flour (either stirred whole wheat or all purpose will work)
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 4 eggs
Melt butter or margarine in boiling water. Mix flour and salt, then add all at once to the boiling water, stirring vigorously until the mixture is smooth and forms a ball following the spoon around the pan.Let cool slightly, then add eggs one at a time. Beat each egg in well.
Drop the batter onto a greased cookie sheet. Cream puffs may be large (tablespoon), medium (teaspoon) or small (half-teaspoon).
Bake at 450º for 15 minutes, then at 325º for 25 minutes. (If you’ve made very small ones, the time may be shorter.) The puffs should be quite dry, with no droplets of moisture showing on them. (You can test by removing one from the oven. If it falls, it is not ready yet. Leave the others to cook a bit longer.)
Cool the baked puffs completely. Then fill with whipped cream. Refrigerate until served.
Jelled Whipped Cream
Place 1 teaspoon of unflavored gelatin in 2 tablespoons of cold water. Melt the gelatin over hot water.
Let cool slightly, then add to 1 cup whipping cream and stir vigorously.
Chill until the cream is firm, then beat until it is whipped.
Cream may be flavored with sugar, vanilla, chocolate, carob, honey, brown sugar, maple syrup or other sweetener of your choice.