Welcome to Theologika – A Space for All Things Theological | blog.theologika.net
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Posted by on Jul 25, 2007

Welcome to Theologika – A Space for All Things Theological


“… Every scribe who has been instructed in the kingdom of heaven is like the head of a household who brings from his storeroom both the new and the old.”

– Matthew 13: 52.

Welcome to Theologika, a storeroom – or treasure in some translations – of all things theological, the new as well as the old.

Theologika tries to bridge the gap between the general public and experts in theology, philosophy, religious studies, and the social and behavioral sciences by providing a public meeting place for “scribes instructed in the kingdom of heaven” to meet with people of good will – believers or not.

Theologika is meant to be a haven from the sound and fury in our lives and on the internet regarding questions of Christian belief and lifestyle. It is a place of thoughtful and prayerful retreat to learn calmly what trusted thought leaders have had to say from the earliest days of Christianity to the present.

Our goal is to help you find the best information from trusted authorities across the centuries and the globe. The focus of the site is Catholic and catholic. The upper case “C” refers to the Roman Catholic tradition and the lower case “c” refers to the broadest universal dimensions of the Christian movement and its interaction with all human institutions and learning.


  1. Congratulations Randy and Kathy for creating this blog, I feel it is a conversation that needs to be had among thinking Christians. I am very excited at the perspective you have defined here and look forward to many wonderful reads. All the best and thank you again. God Bless.

  2. Randy and Kathy.. Congrats on this blog. I wonder if you are thinking of this site only from the Christian perspective or would you include all religions. If this is a space for all things theological- how expansive do you want it to be?

    Best of Luck.

    Bob Pozos

  3. Ideally we would like to be very broad in our choice of topics and relatively deep on each one. The focus is Christianity with a secondary focus on world religions.

    Any ideas, comments, or suggestions are welcome. We also welcome guest posts from our readers as long as they are instructive, insightful and presented in the spirit of peace and blessing.

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