World Mission Sunday
Today is World Mission Sunday. We are reminded that the mission of the Church (the People of God) is to share the Good News through all the world. Today I offer a few quotes from people working in “the field.”
“Growing up I met so many Sisters who visited the sick and families, who taught about Jesus. They made a big impression on me, nurturing my desire to become like them … We must be the Lord’s voice to the poor, telling of His great love.” Sr. Christine Mwaka, Zambia
“We are forming missionaries to bring hope — the hope of our Lord — to our people. … Above all, we want the hope we have found in Jesus, our joy in following the Lord as priests, to uplift the poor and those in need.” Fr. Anthony Jayakody, rector of Our Lady of Lanka Seminary in Sri Lanka
“My greatest strength comes from receiving our Lord in the Eucharist … My 14-year-old daughter prays that God will give me the wisdom to be an effective catechist. My prayer is that too, and also that the Lord will be with me as I teach about Him, opening the hearts of those who hear.” Peter Soko, catechist in Zambia
For more information, click here to see the website of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith.