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Posted by on Jun 20, 2008

Your Own Directory at

Your Own Directory at

NEWS FLASH! will begin offering workshops and classes in collaboration with our trustees and other theologians, philosophers and social scientists in early 2011. As part of this new development, the ways you will search for information and create tags will change.

Check out these two posts for details about the upcoming changes and how to save your own personal directory materials.

2011 Brings Classes and Big Improvements to

We’re Moving: Time to Pack Up Your Data

More information about the changes will be posted on our blog at as they develop .

If you yourself have a website yourself, please put our site,, into your links and recommendations.  We’ve even got a neat logo you can put with it if you’d like. You may copy it from this post.

We hope will be helpful in your work and spiritual journey. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Randy and Kathy


  1. I am rather new to computers. I want to read articles by people like Ron Rolheiser OMI and Richar Rohr. Is this a good place to start? Thanks.

  2. Thanks for your note. Yes, this is a good place to start. Just enter the name of an author into the search bar to get a list of all materials we have in the database at this point. And as you find other good materials, put them into your own directory and send me a note so they can be added to the database for all to enjoy.

  3. I wonder is this like is open to submit any article, such news, personal ideas besides religious.

  4. Your personal directory can contain any tagged material. We encourage our members to keep the listings focused on theology, religious studies, and spirituality so they can be shared with your friends and colleagues. The items you tag for your personal directory are not included in the primary Theologika database. Thanks for asking!

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